The digital market is booming and marketing is rising as well. As a marketer, you can make a killing as a professional. But if you’re trying to learn marketing and try to learn the knowledge for a digital marketing certificate by just Googling stuff, things are gonna be very confusing. You’ll get conflicting advice from different websites which will cause a lot of panic because you don’t know which is the correct information to get a digital marketing certificate. This article will break down the best resources for you to learn marketing so you can get a head start on your marketing career.
Read the First Part HERE.
Read the Second Part HERE.

SEM Rush Academy
One of the most important free resources to get your digital marketing certificate is Google’s Online Marketing Challenge. This is a course that’s probably one of the most comprehensive out there. Not only does it give students real world experience in marketing, but it also offers a global academic panel, which is essentially modules that come from various aspects of digital marketing that are taught by top academic panelists and this will bring you one step closer to getting a digital marketing certificate. Students then get to work with nonprofit companies to build online advertising campaigns. This course is a very important course to learn if you want a head start in getting your digital marketing certificate. Students compete to show off their best advertising skills, which isn’t expected to be much as this is for Beginners. However, it’s important to note that this option does have a competitive angle. It isn’t just courses, it’s actually applying what you’ve learned. While applying what you’ve learned, this will greatly help you on your road to becoming a digital marketing specialist or marketer and your goal of a digital marketing certificate.

Facebook Blueprint
This is Facebook’s official training that will walk you through several different topics on marketing on Facebook and Instagram. These two social media platforms are the biggest in the world at the moment so it is essential to learn these to earn your digital marketing certificate. It ranges from creating ads to managing your Instagram business account, much like some of the other sources that have been shared. (Check out the other parts). This platform is great where beginners and Advanced Marketers can learn a lot, because Facebook really goes into the nuances of how to use their platform. It also offers a certification (not a digital marketing certificate) which is great if you’re looking for a job for any other ad agency or any marketing position within a Corporation.

CopyBlogger also offers a course called Internet Marketing for Smart People. CopyBlogger has been around for a lot of years and their courses are very good for you to learn ahead for your digital marketing certificate. They have a lot of high quality content on blogging and content marketing. It includes cool things like direct response copywriting and coming up with offers that you can sell to your audience. It will basically give you a framework to start an online business from scratch, covering a lot of the marketing techniques that weren’t necessarily covered in any of the other courses that were mentioned in the previous parts, so it is definitely worth checking out.

Read the First Part HERE.
Read the Second Part HERE.