Welcome everyone! Today we, the rank #1 PPC Agency Toronto, will be going over on how to start your very own advertising campaigns and the important points you need to know about before starting one.
If you haven’t read the previous lesson on “What is Auctioning in PPC?“, you should click on the bolded text to get right into it.

Starting PPC Advertisements
How do you start pay-per-click ads? You can start by using popular pay-per-click advertising networks such as Google Ads, Bing or Microsoft ads, Facebook Ads, and so on. All these are very popular. You must make sure that you have a couple of requirements before starting to make advertisements. First, you need a website or an app to promote. Then, once you have your website and you’re ready to promote, you generally want to create different landing pages. Landing pages are where you’re going to be sending traffic to. Once you’re ready to go, what you want to do is sign up with the pay-per-click networks. You enter your payment information and you can start by creating your first campaign.
We have tutorials on our YouTube channel and our Blog pages for how to start campaigns with all the top ad networks. If you want to learn how to start, definitely check out our tutorials and it’s really easy to get started.
For the campaign, you just need to sign up. You need to enter your business information on some of these networks, you need to enter your website and some basic information. You can now get started with creating your campaign. What you want to do is test and optimize it. Optimizing your pay-per-click advertising is worth it. To be honest, optimizing your campaign is very hard to do so you should definitely get a professional PPC Agency to help you with it so you can save more money and have a better conversion rate.
Organic Traffic vs PPC Traffic
When you’re trying to rank high in Google, it can be very difficult. Let’s go back to the previous example for the accounting software. To be ranked at the top organically, you’re still below three different links. There’s these links at the top so it’s becoming more and more difficult to get traffic to your website just through organic search. That’s why a lot of companies are running PPC ads. It’s definitely worth it. I think it’s worth it for businesses of all sizes but you do need to test you do need more knowledge of pay-per-click advertising or get a professional PPC expert to help you out a little bit. Different pay-per-click ad networks are different in terms of how you use them and tackle them. How they work and how to get the best results for your budget are two of the many problems with different ad networks.

Organic Rankings

There are 3 advertisements in front of all the organic traffic. The first organic traffic is actually 4th place. Remember that if you want a professional PPC expert to help you create and optimize your campaigns on all networks, click the bolded link for your free PPC audit!