Hey guys, this is a continuation of the last lesson. This lesson will be the next step on finding your keywords. Read “Keyword Modifiers | Montreal SEO Professional Tips” right now to catch up on what we are learning.

Finding More SEO Keywords
I was able to compile a list of over 190 keyword ideas in my golf keyword list. Now, one downside to using keyword research tools is that the list of keyword ideas will usually be limited to words and phrases that include your seeds. But there are other great keywords that won’t necessarily include your seeds. If you want professional Montreal SEO specialists to help you do your SEO, click on the bolded text.
So how do you find them? Well, the best way to find these keywords is to look at pages that drive the most search traffic to your competitors’ sites. Because if your competitors are ranking for keywords that are sending them a ton of search traffic, then I’m sure you’d want to get in on the action, right? Now, by competitor, I’m not necessarily talking about your direct business competitors. I’m referring to your organic search competitors, which are websites that rank for keywords that you’d want to rank for. So to find these competitors, we should go back to the tool that we previously used to find keywords, but this time, I’ll click on my golf keyword list. If you want to beat your competitors right now, click here: SEO Services.
Next, I’ll go to the Traffic Share by Domains report, which will show you the websites that get the most search traffic based on your keyword input; in this case, our golf keyword list. So as you can see, sites like golf digest, golf.com, and golfwrx are getting the most search traffic from the keywords that I want to hypothetically rank for. We already know these keywords since we created the list. So what you can do is click on the caret beside a domain you want to research further, and then click Top Pages, which will show you the pages that send the most search traffic to a website. If you are confused with this section, it’s best to read “Keyword SEO Modifiers“.
Making a Good Keyword List | SEO Montreal Expert TIP
Check this out. Golf Digest’s page on game improvement irons gets around 7,700 monthly search visits from the US. This page that ranks for “what degree is a sand wedge” gets around 5,600 monthly search visits. We wouldn’t have seen these in the keyword ideas report because they don’t contain our seeds. You can just skim through this list, look for potential topics, then go through those four points in the checklist for keywords that are interesting to you. Add them to your keyword list and once you’ve exhausted a website’s top pages, rinse and repeat for the other organic search competitors until you’re satisfied with your list. If you’re still unhappy with your list, you can try and find other seeds within this report. The two that stand out to me right away are “sand wedge” and “fairway woods.” I’ll go back to Keywords Explorer and type those into the search box. Seeing as both of these are different types of golf clubs, you can add “pitching wedge,” “putter,” “putting,” and so on and so forth.
Bottomline: there should be no shortage of keyword ideas and you should be able to use these two methods to build a solid list of topics to keep you busy for years.
But here’s the thing: even if you’ve checked off these 4 boxes on the checklist, there’s still one left. It won’t matter if you don’t rank for your keywords. If you are confused about the checklist, please read “Choosing SEO Keywords“.
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