Should you get started as a web designer in 2022? I think you know I’m gonna say yes, but I want to explain three trends that make it the best time to get into web design.
Read “Should You Go Into Web Design | Vancouver Pro Explains | Pt1” Here.

The Second Trend CONT. | Web Design TIPS from a Vancouver Expert
Specifically this year and during the last half of 2020, the industry of web design got driven forward by a lot but there’s also kind of like two longer-term trends that I think are important and are still making it the best time to get into this right now. The first one is that more and more businesses understand that everybody is going to the internet. We talked about that in the last article ago that you need web design as a differentiator. If everything looks the same for all the e-commerce websites, it will be much harder to e market your products to buyers. For example, you’re selling shoes and someone else is also selling shoes but who should the customer choose? If everything looks the same, you need to be able to differentiate yourself and that differentiation comes with the web design. People understand that if they want to stand out, if they want to be different, if they want to be able to charge premium prices, the Vancouver web designers must do a spectacular job on making their clients’ website that much better than it stands out from the competition. We, as the Vancouver web designer professionals, do this a lot. Learn more about OUR professional web design services.
We cover on our e marketing website how people can redesign a website to take it from something that looks super cheap to something that looks super premium and allows the business to charge more. They do this by using design by setting better expectations about what the brand is and how premium it is. Businesses understand that if they want to stand out and if they want to be able to charge premium, they’re going to have to use web design for that. That means more work for us Vancouver web design experts and I’m talking about the website designers who are going to be working with the premium clients and not with clients who don’t have any budget and are going to build their website with WIX anyway. The people who want to stand out understand more than ever that they’re gonna need to invest in working with a professional if they want to have that web design advantage. Read more about this on our web design Vancouver BLOG.
The Third Trend | Web Design TIPS from a Vancouver Expert
Now the third trend that is happening. I’ve been talking about this for years in my blogs so you might have heard me talking about it but it is the advance of the whole no code movement. I talk a lot about webflow here and how it enables web designers to build websites without code and do more but webflow is just one part of this big ecosystem of no codes tools. The ability that you, right now as a designer, or as a business owner to hook up all of these services to create an online business. You build your website and then you enable other subscription payments, calendar integrations, all of these different services into it without having to code. So now you as a web designer can provide way more value to your to your client because you’re not just doing the design and then giving it to somebody else but you’re actually building a business solution for them. You’re actually helping them to build the digital business and you can do it on your own. You don’t have to be a developer or something like this. You only need to know the no code tools, landscape as a designer and everything all comes together under the web design of the website that you built for them. I think this empowers designers a lot to be more valuable and help give clients something that really creates business results for them. That means that ,again, they’re more valuable and they can charge higher prices and they’re gonna be more in demand. I would say to you no matter where you are in your career right now, web design is going to be an amazing field to be in for the foreseeable future. I would dive in on it, I would learn how to handle these no code tools, I would learn how to help businesses differentiate with web design so you can take advantage of all of these trends that are happening right now. Obviously we would love to help you that’s why we’re here first so you can check the link to see our Vancouver Web Design Services. In any case, keep working and keep building because this is an amazing thing for the foreseeable future.
Read “Should You Go Into Web Design | Vancouver Pro Explains | Pt1” here as it contains the first 2 trends and they are definitely important.