Hey there web designer friends. I’m the expert web designer in Calgary. I talked about how I became a web designer in my previous post: Steps to Learn Design. Let’s continue.

Becoming More Successful as a Web Designer | Calgary Web Design
I actually reached six figures using design. When I got to six figures, realized that I actually had other issues like more business stuff that I needed to work on. At that point, I wanted to grow further into the seven figures. I actually hired a personal coach to work with and the current coach that I’m working with is someone that has been with me for three years. I’m paying him $2500 per month. That’s like 30 grand per year. When you’re working in school, it’s kind of like a group coaching environment. There’s one professional helping the whole group. When you’re in a position to invest, you should invest in a one-on-one coach who is a professional. They will help you solve the problem and you can start moving and learning really fast.
Reminder that there are web design lessons and helpful blogs here in this website.
Recap | Calgary Web Design
Starting out
Looking back into where you are right now and what you should do, I think that you should look at this kind of a breakdown of what’s happening. If you’re still not making money, it makes sense to start with the free stuff. There’s so much material on the internet that’s available for free, especially on platforms like YouTube. That reminds me, if you want a channel of free video tutorials and updated courses, visit True-E’s YouTube Channel. There’s tons of free materials today that are great. If you’re not making money, it probably makes sense to get started for free.

Wanting to make Web Design your Actual Career
The second stage is you’ve made some money and now you’re excited. You want to double down, you want to make this your actual career. At that stage, I recommend you get started with online courses. There’s fantastic online courses like LinkedIn Learning and then you’ll be able to kind of turn this into an actual career. If you learn and get a degree, you can go full-time now.
Being even more Successful and Making More Money
At the step where you’re actually making money and this is your career, but you want to make this actually a great career. You want to reach six figures and you want to be a great professional, it’s actually worth investing in a kind of a higher end group coaching experience where you’ll get to interact with a professional. You will not just learn at your own pace, you will actually learn faster. Interacting with professionals will really propel you forward. These group coaching experiences usually cost a few thousand dollars. You’ll see that a lot in coding boot camps and stuff like that. It makes sense to do that if you want to drive your career forward. Of course, if you’re already having a great career and you’re in a position to invest in a one-on-one coach, that’s probably what you should do.
Reminder that if you want a professional web designer to design a beautiful website for you, you can get your free web design audit here: Best Web Design services in Calgary.