Welcome to the 4th example, taught by the professional SEO Company in Markham. This example will be about on-page SEO. If you haven’t learned about on-page SEO yet, you should read the previous examples and lessons.
On-Page SEO, explained by a professional Markham SEO expert.
On-Page SEO cont., the continuation of the previous lesson.
If you want to read the first example, click the bolded text: “On-Page SEO Examples pt1”
To read the second example, click the bolded text: “On-Page SEO Examples pt2“
Third example can be read by clicking the bolded text: “On-Page SEO Examples pt3“
Now that you are caught up, let us begin.

Recap | SEO Company Markham Expert Explains
What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. What is this? Google and other search engines all have algorithms that determine which websites should be ranked first. Why do these search engines want to do this? They want to bring the most relevant results for the searchers in order to satisfy the search queries. The top ranking websites understand the algorithms and therefore knows exactly what to do to satisfy the algorithm. Let’s go over the 4th example to see why top ranking sites are actually in the top ranking spots. If you want free video lessons on SEO, visit our YouTube Channel!
Example #4 | SEO Company Markham Evaluates
Let’s find a new example. Since we went over a ton of blog websites, we should go over some e-commerce ones. Let’s take the search query “gaming chair” and see what we get.

The first one is a blog but we will go to the next example.

Okay. We got ourselves an ecommerce website. This is actually a pretty big brand store for electronics and office accessories. For now, let’s list the first impressions.
First Impressions
This is the second organic result after that blog website. Since we are looking at this website, the first thing we got to find is the keywords. The keyword would seem to be “gaming chairs” as the link (when you press into it) gives you the keyword. Looking at the Title, it looks like it is using a few different keywords that all relate to chairs or video games. This is a proof that Google understands the related items and keywords. In the Description, they have a lot of text and the text “gaming chair” is bolded. If you want the rank #1 SEO services to do your SEO, click on the bolded text to get your free audit!
Diving into the Website | SEO Company Markham Evaluates
Looking into the website, it indeed is a website that contains images of products and such. Each of the product has the word “gaming chair” in it. This keyword was repeated about 56 times in the first page without me touching anything. Google knows that e-commerce websites are meant for selling products rather than trying to gain good content. But, this store also has a little section in the bottom that has a little article that explains the gaming chairs and a bunch of random facts about them. If you want to take a look at this website, click “Gaming Chairs Best Buy“.